

Whispers of the Heart
In the hush of twilight's embrace,
Where dreams and reality interlace,
Listen close, and you shall hear,
The secrets whispered, crystal clear.

Beneath the canopy of stars above,
Where wishes soar on wings of love,
Let your heart's song take flight,
Guided by the gentle touch of night.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
In every tear and whispered sigh,
Find solace in the love that binds,
A tapestry woven by hearts entwined.

In laughter shared and moments bright,
In the dance of shadows and of light,
Discover the magic that lies within,
As love's eternal journey begins.

So let your spirit soar and roam,
In the symphony of life, find home,
For in the whispers of the heart's sweet song,
We find the strength to carry on.

© @Ruharsh