

prayer for war against evil spirits
Thank you you Jesus for hearing me I humbly ask forgiveness for all sins and I forgive any offences aswell as apologize for offending anyone I Thank you Father God for the hedge of protection I am so grateful your my refuge from any storm the enemy sends my way I plead the blood of Jesus over my entire life , ,home , car , family , friends , work and I loose any chains of addiction , depression , iniquity, idolatry , strife , spirit of poverty, witchcraft, demonic spirits , devils , evil spirits and cast them into the abyss in the name of Jesus Christ now applying the whole armor of GOD for protection in Jesus name Thank you for everything oh GOD you are everything good in this life we are nothing and have nothing without you not even air so we praise you giving all glory to you Father God and we stay greatful in our hearts for your love for without we parish . Amen Thank you Father

Holy spirit Inspired
© jessie Randolph pen to paper