

Poem No. 3
Three minutes might not suffice,
For this poem might demand longer,
Five sense might not suffice,
Six o'clock and I still let my thoughts from the daytime linger,
Because I really want to know.

Did God create man or did man create God?
For if today I say my god is a tree,
Trees in my house are not nibbed in the bud,
To touch a tree would be an atrocity,
One day I get a convert and we grow.

Five years later we become a sizeable number,
Formidable enough to develop prejudice towards other people,
Trees we'd say give us life and trees created us all together,
Too much thought into it would earn you a heathen's label,
One may say man created God or otherwise, you may have pretty good evidence but the truth is we'd never really know.
© Robert Esho