

The Comet and The Stone
I want to say something profound but it escapes me..........There's a time when all you have is not enough......when all you were never was, dreams replace expectations and embers remain of what once was flame. If by sheer force of will alone, the tides could be turned, the walls rebuilt and roads retraveled, it would have been done long ago by someone stronger than I.

So you close your eyes and breathe....a deep breath, then you pause......and make a choice. Do you become a comet or a stone. Comets shine bright, burn hot and blaze a path across the sky for all to remember before dissapearing into the night. Stones weather the forces of time, become smooth, attain longevity and become a foundation for that which comes after.

I have always burned bright, and though the light has diminished it has not died. The privledge has been mine to travel in a galaxy full of bright stars, some have faded, some have been extinguished.....but I remember them all. Though as Mr. King once stated "Longevity has it's place", Stonehenge still stands and the stones I walk upon will remain long after I am gone.... the sky keeps calling.

One more night, let me burn with the passion and fire that forged me, let me shine. Soon enough, tommorow will come and with it the end. Is it too much for a mortal man to ask to be all that he has ever been, if just for a moment longer. Let me live, let me love, let me laugh and let me feel, in this, the inevitable twilight of my being. I am not a stone, it was never my destiny. Love me, laugh with me, remember me, the sky is calling........