

Love is..

Love prevails in the soul,

The vision to discern it is the utmost goal.

Love is one-sided or may stand mutual.

The clasp of this obscure feeling is perpetual.

It is not restricted to the two hearts only,

Love exists in the lineage and family.

There is sisterly, brotherly, friendly love unduly,

Yes, parental fondness is indeed at the extreme.

The love between two souls survives at a mature age,

When both the spirits enjoy leeway out of the cage.

Love is happiness even in trivial facets,

No soul is maimed but hugged and caressed.

The feeling is incredible to love and to be adored,

There is a flow of positive energy around the orb.

The entire concept is to share the love in the vicinity,

"Love you, love me too" should be the adage till eternity.