

A Lost Friendship
I had found a friend in you.
Although our bond was new,
You brought positivity and comfort,
and became the one I'ld never hurt.

Encouraging me in crisis,
Like manure to withering trees.
Your company alleviated my pain,
Like a bonfire to one drenched in rain.

You soaked in my secrets,
Showering suggestions, tiny but great,
Felt as if you could read my heart,
In a minute way. An amazing art!

Thoughts of us parting ways,
Must never come, I always prayed.
Once unimaginable, Now a reality.
It's as implausible as Earth minus gravity

Now Us has grown to You and Me,
You've stayed same, Frail is Me,
I mourn the day that led to this,
Our friendship, I shall forever miss.

© ShriMukh