

when I saw you first time
In dawn's soft glow, our paths aligned,
A serendipitous moment, fate designed.
Your eyes, a canvas of stories untold,
Whispers of mysteries, a tale to unfold.

Silent echoes danced in the air,
As if time paused, suspended in care.
Your smile, a sunbeam in a cloudy sky,
Igniting a spark, catching my eye.

With every step, our worlds converged,
In that fleeting gaze, a connection emerged.
A symphony of emotions, a silent rhyme,
Captured in the fragments of that first time.

Your laughter, a melody in the breeze,
A tranquil moment, put my heart at ease.
In the tapestry of life, a vivid hue,
Painted by the magic that meeting you drew.

Now, as shadows of that moment persist,
Etched in memory, a sweet reminisce.
That first encounter, a timeless chime,
Forever cherished, in the corridors of time.
© basnett