

Bitterness creeps in like a thief in the night
Stealing joy, replacing it with endless fight
Hate festers, a wound that won't heal
A soul crushed by the weight of cruel deeds

Emotional damage, a legacy of pain
Inflicted by those who claimed to love in vain
Men who spoke sweet lies, but brought only strife
Leaving scars that cut deep, a lingering life

Cheat, a word that echoes through the mind
A betrayal of trust, a heart left behind
The ache of deception, a weight to bear
A constant reminder of love that wasn't fair

Oh, the harm that men have caused, the hurt they've brought
The shattered dreams, the hearts they've caught
In their selfish games, their careless might
Leaving women to pick up the pieces of their shattered light

But still, we rise, we heal, we mend
Our strength and resilience, a true marvel to amend
We learn to love again, to trust and to forgive
And though the scars remain, our spirits will not be caged or lived.