

You're losing me
This hurts
my heart is aching oh so bad....😥
The man I wanted to keep
the man I wanted to love
the man I wanted to grow with and have kids by
the man I wanted to marry and take on his last name.
it hurts me to say that you're losing me...
and it hurts me more that it's not your intention
but if only you knew the things I'm afraid of
things I've been through that I refuse to put myself through again I'd think you'd hold onto me tighter.
but you constantly release your grip on me.
you go days without communicating with me
I try to reach out to you yet I feel like a bother
like I annoy you for even trying...
yet you'd deny , deny, deny....
being ignored?
I'm used to it...
every guy I've been with or even talked to in the past have all done it. yet I stayed until they left me cold & wet.
" Wet how?" you ask?
wet by watery eyes , soaked up pillows, tear stained sheets.
but this time??
I refuse to let you leave me like the rest.
you're ignoring me like them
but this time around it's me who leaves...
I refuse to keep going around in circles..
that can't be my life....
I thrive off communication
it feeds my soul
I thrive off communication
it nurtures my spirit..
no communication?
my soul feels soulless
no communication?
my spirit is dying.
I can't let that happen.
so I'm saying goodbye.
& I hope you do find the woman whom you truly can't live without...
- Qu'Raina Monaè