

Ode to the Cosmic Paradox
In the vast expanse where silence roars,
And darkness is alight with stars,
Dwells the riddle of cosmic paradox,
A symphony played on a celestial box.

Where time flows both swift and slow,
And black holes whisper what they know,
The universe spins a curious tale,
On a cosmic scale, both grand and frail.

Particles dance in entangled grace,
In a quantum waltz through time and space,
Both here and there, they coyly hide,
In a paradox, side by side.

Stars are born from dust and gas,
In nebulous cradles, they come to pass,
Yet in their death, they give more life,
A paradox, sharp as a knife.

Gravity pulls and space-time bends,
Around massive stars, the fabric rends,
Yet in this pull, creation sings,
A paradox of unseen strings.

The cosmos vast, both old and new,
Expands each moment, into the blue,
Yet holds within it, the ancient light,
A paradox, both day and night.

So here we stand, both small and wise,
Gazing up at the endless skies,
The universe a paradox, it seems,
A place of both reality and dreams.

© Madman