

I lie infinities away from these people ~
I'm a hollow conductor,
I tell myself
Any field that other people radiate,
Does not affect me
Their mean judgements,
their twisted compliments
Their laughter
It all run pasts ,
My potential is constant
Nothing affects me

I tell myself
I'm a metallic sheet, basking in sunlight
The quantas that people throw
Can never reach past my threshold energy
I tell myself, to release back every
Curse word in gradual planck's units
There's no point in fighting
The battle where I'm already deemed unfit
So instead, I smile back

The work it takes , to be positive
Half of my efforts usually get wasted
Under the heat of the situation, but I still try my best
I still lunge my hands for a handshake, instead of a fist
If I wanted to, I could have killed hundreds with just the pointed edge of my tongue
But I cover the blade
Bloodshed is never worth the gain
Memories leave more scars than battles
So instead, I nod my head

It's okay, I'm happy for you
I forgave you a long time ago

What you did, it does not affect me anymore
But I do not want you back
I'm trying my best to achieve my noble gas configuration
And for that I do not need anyone else.

© nervous_system