

this life is strange1
Today we got away from the stress of this dirty ass town. Ukiah an armpit a pariah a sweaty little stain on the face of california. Speed freaks illegal aliens and a bunch of heroin. This place is very dull but so very full of fentanyl dope fiend central.
Uneventful with a pain in my skull. Watching everyone get sucked into the vortex of this place. I just wanna get stoned and forget the human race. Blast off completely into hyperspace.... I know I am going to erase the tracks that lead to this place. Disappear without a trace. eject you all from my personal space. I think the bad things are going to pass. The night can never last day shines through the darkness. So enjoy my prose while I spark this. I am going to be one with my bliss. I will find all that I try and seek I am about to fill up my beak. This day rose up sun shines in and no longer is it seeming so bleak. you will find what you seek.

© Rafe S.Bjorklund