

Thine Little Dandelion
Consider this
A dreadful draft
The squeeks of a insomnia laced bed
Billowing pillows clear of a mornings tender kiss
Clear morning stomps upon the stairs
Against misty morns adorned with ghast

Strong filtered robusta coffee
Filtered pack of camels branded red
Snuck in with something stronger
The quiet solmen sigh
Of coffee stains hydroxide cyanide and cheap rye
Swelter mix and fade
With the fog wall sky

O how I'm reminisce against all this
Starry column nights quaking breaking mornings
Never used to be filled as such as this
Before things went amiss
Rising tides of heat
Rhythmic squeeks of passion complaced bed
Small impassible moments of timeless surrender
Sleepy splendour giggles
Breathless charming smiles
An urging yearn to stay inside just for a little more while
Timid racing paired steps
Does not echo as loudly as gloomy singular steps

Orange peeko tea
Arabica pressed coffee
Soft sighs of comforted seating upon a large settee huddled and confind
To a small corner of space
Watching orange flushed sun sunder through the skies
Peach orange Orchid purple Fuscia pink sky blue hues
All swirling twirling dancing and prancing

How do I address all of this
No longer a fixation of time yet still a quick fix a staple in my mind
Palette sways of shades now swept pallid

I take a walk in search of a find
A brief swollen lesson
Of how to leave fair kind hearted love behind

Yet whenever I see
A bountiful blooming dandelion
All I can think and stand
Of how you used to be mine

#poem #poetry #heartbreak #movingon #love
© BonfireSide