

She is in pain again..
She tried a brave face this morning, putting her makeup on.
With tears in her eyes she quift her lips, putting on a smile for show.

She spoke softly, though the back of her throat scratched and ached.
She sat there calmly, trying to ignore the sirens going off in her head.

That was then,
But now..

Her tears fell,
Her makeup now a disarray.

Her voice cracked,
Her inner demons grew.

So she lit a cigarette.
Smoked a pack.

She lit up and got high every hour or so.
She still ached.

So she has overdosed again..
Two stepping her way through doorways.

Looking herself in the mirror again,
The streaks of mascara stain her her ghostly pale cheeks.

Her vision blurred by tear, pill, and smoke.
She reaches the walls,
Feeling her way in the darkness to bed.

Her empty coffin,
Filled with echoing memory,
Haunts her in her dreams.

Those of which she no longer wishes to remember.
All she ever hears are voices ringing in her ears.
All she ever feels is pain concaving her heart.

She remembers who she once was.
A woman broken yet full.
Now she tries to forget everything that now isn't.

A strong woman who lost her crown.

© FragmentsInTheWind