

What thoughts colour yours today?
What goals will you achieve someday?
You spend your time dreaming of
While your life waits aside for its
own story,
If you wanna touch the moon
Then, get out of your comfort zone
If you wanna show the world who you are
Then stop becoming a barrier
In your own way
When they say, you will fail
Throw this forlorn over their face
Tell them you are gonna reach the moon
And you are gonna follow the dark stony trail
Keep your head high
And go on
Come out of forlorn
Like a corn
From its peel
Look up a little high
What if you're gonna fall today
How will you be able to fly
If you won't fall
Stand below the sky
Stretch your arms
Let their down talk flow through you
And not into you
Now don't waste your time
Every minute counts
Every second counts
Reason of losing your time is none or only few
Weave your own destiny
Your own story
As nothing is set in stone
And then bask under the warmth of your glory.
© Sultan_writes