

if someone genuinely likes you,

If someone genuinely likes you,

If someone genuinely likes you,
He or she will spend time with you…
Day and night….
If someone cares for you, about your well being
He or she is your real friend….
There’s the difference between toxic and healthy….
Go find someone who genuinely likes you too…
Cos when it feels right, you know, you will see….

An abusive person doesn’t like you
Doesn’t love you
Keep breakin your heart
You’re colorblind,
Or you act like you’re not a witness
To your pain
You wanna stay….
You can change him you can change her….

You don’t wanna open your eyes…..
A heartbreaker gives no fucks about you…
You might lose your chances on lovin someone who
Loves you back -soulmate…..

Cos you keep foolin around
With a toxic person, toxic partnership
That man, that woman doesn’t genuinely likes you….

Yes we can be naive, we can careless
About what others say….
By the end of the day you’re still lettin this human
Ruinin your heart, you let that person breaks you to
Your core….
He doesn’t like you, she ain’t that into you….

Why can’t you fight for real love that gives you peace?
Not a migraine, not stress?
Find someone who supports you, hold your hand and
Be your shoulder when goin through downfall….

You know who you are, stop killin yourself for an asshole….
Start lovin yourself, start takin care of yourself
Begin to guard your soul for fresh energy that will light
A fire…you don’t want another bad character….

Just know what you want…
Know what is your safe haven?
What does warmth looks like to you?
Have your own definition of real love?

An abusive person doesn’t love,
An abusive person loves to mistreated you
Dehumanizin you, doesn’t genuinely likes you
The way a right one should…
People don’t actually realize this is the wrong one….
Heartache and fake love blinds us to the bone….

If someone genuinely likes you back,
You should give him or her a chance…
Don’t rush, slow down…
The right partner, a real friend will never
Make you suffer…will never make you ache….
I promise…there are good people out there….
humanity is still alive…real love still exists
You gotta take care of yourself first
Before you slip into someone’s arms….

🫶🏾💯©️ Kai C. 5-26-24
© Kai C..