

There was always anger,-
I always found fault in the way that she lived life
In the ways that she felt emotions and expressed,-
In the way that she exhausted herself and gave pieces to everyone, leaving nothing left for herself
She was quick to boil my waters when she would mess up time and time again, with each mistake being worse than the last
Or especially when the comfort she found was in the uneasy, not okay methods,-
Like a lid would be to a candle
Like an odor to a fragrance
Like mud on off-white
There's no light underneath hooded scars
With too much, too deep to unpack,- and yet she always unpacked
Always too soon, unpacked just in time to up and leave because she didn't like it there
Yea that was it-
She opened the boxes too soon, only to clean them up again
Too soon, only to reseal with tape
But even the tape too, was losing it's strength
How long could that tape hold in the secrets of the past?
Though, it wasn't just herself that would unravel
She had something about her that made people unlock
She didn't know how it happened but people trusted her
She would get that trust mixed with friendship,-
And again she would rip off that fragile tape, and feel sorry
She felt sorry for too much
For people
For mistakes
For tape
But it was this that I loved about her, what many admired
This was special about her
In the way a burn is to a star,
Waves are to an ocean,
Lights are to a city
This was hers
The part of me that I love
There is much to be sorry for
But maybe it's the tape within all of us that should be admired
After all, it is the tape that closes what is opened,-
Scars, and boxes alike
© Nesi_VP