

Day 979 of 1095
As we bask
in the setting of the sun.
We are amazed
by the dying of the light.
Time is key
as such moments
are fleeting.
It's here
we feel our hearts beating
we feel our lungs breathing
we are grateful for living
At this moment
Life couldn't be more giving
At least this is what
I'm thinking
As I watch the sun set
how amazing
I can feel it in my being
It MooVes my SouL
Like no other feeling
I can never believe
What I am seeing
It's beauty in Motion
It's a mystery
of God's love and devotion
To give us such a view
That we might find inspiration
That we take time to smell the flowers
I could watch the sunset for hours
This time is ours
As we Live and breathe
As if it were a superpower
We feel invincible
as today is ours
I am no coward
I face the day looking upwards
Never treading backwards
We keep it going forward
All the while we basking in the sun
Appreciate each one
Tomorrow is never promised
So take this one in
as if it were your last one
Take it from me
now that I've aged some
Some might agree with these
Words of wisdom
Expressed through poetry
There's nothing like God's beauty
To inspire such thoughts so randomly
Trust me...As I dwell in HIS glory

#blogger #blogging #bloggerlife #sunsets #godswonders #dyingofthelight #poetry #writingtherapy #writing #inspired

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