


I can't believe
You could do such
A terrible thing to me

After all the promises
You made during our friendship
So you could do this
to me?

I gave you my life
I gave you my "Heart"
I gave you everything
within my capacity
Even when it was not
convenient for me atimes
I gave you a listening
"Ear"to express your feelings
There are somethings
I ought not to do
But all in the name of "love"
I had to do them for us

I cherished you
I cared for you
I devoted my time for you just
Because I "Love"you
But you betrayed me

You promised me
Heaven on earth
You promised to be there
for me "always"
You promised to love me
In sickness and health
for richer and poorer
You promised me that
"I" alone would be the woman
of your dream

But you failed to fulfill
all your promises;
You cheated on me
You broke the edge of
this "relationship"

Oh what a "Traitor"
you are!!!