

Am him and he is me....
It’s obvious am fighting
Am lacking arguments to convince myself I love the life am in
We are both embodied in the same host but so different
Am writing without knowing if am him or he is me
We are so close but so different
He yearns for light, acclamations, attention, prices and competitions
I wouldn’t say he doesn’t deserve them, but can he afford to be unsuccessful?
I yearn for security, shadow works, quietness, and humility, but can I afford to miss up on that success ?
It’s been years we have been fighting
His and my arguments ? talent and security in any order you choose because I don’t know if am him or he is me.
He will take this text as a prove of his talent, which will be the same example I may use to prove my point
My point ? Security
The security I look for secures the faith of my close ones
Two valid points which melts down to our host happiness
Is our Host happy ? his happiness comes from me being him and him being me
Our host like to be secure because it gives him peace of mind
At the same time he likes flirting with the idea of a care free life
In essence security doesn’t comes with risk, which is the main satisfaction of freedom
Our host’s life inner battle is the reflection of our diverging ambitions
Is this text a prove of his talent or a prove of a needed security our Host should aim for ?

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