

The slap across my face blinded me,
The ringing in my ears made me dizzy,
Blood oozed from my hanging mouth,
My trembling hands went down to my belly,to protect the life within.

Left with no strength on my feeble feet,
I slumped down to the bloody floor,
Finding comfort from the familiar coldness,
Shivering in my own pool of blood.

In a foetal position,I realize my mistake,
I had to fight and not let my poor body die miserably,
With a piercing war cry,I grasp the coming kick and pull with all my might,
Pieces of wood fly all around,
The heavy mass of a body comes down with a thud.

Kill or kill,was the new voice in my head,
Kill or kill,pufff!Came another blow,
Landing on my head, taking the final breath out with it,
My hands rush up to protect my head,
This was it,the final death of my abused life.

© Leen Queen.