

A Free World
A whole lot has happen since we came out of lockdown
Everywhere around, men want to be called women
Dressing up in makeup and long gowns
Throughout the land
Many want to be something they might never understand
Maybe it has always been their dreams
And the moment has arrived for it to be achieved
But things keep changing every day
So who am I to stand in their way
But just before lockdown, everywhere around
Most men just wanted a nice girl to take drinking into town
Now it appears that’s not the case anymore
It’s fast becoming a time where men are really women
And women are teenage boys
It seems to bring them all for much more joy
In this new world most of the time, it’s not so easy to find
Men who love women who love men
Mainly the women who love women every now and then
There are men who love men because they don’t want to pretend
But there’re still men who love women who love only men
I sure don’t mean to sound confusing, but it’s the age in which we’re living
Some women love women, some men love men
Some want to just make a million and maybe save up for children
Some can dream all day long, never reaching the end
Not to mention all the pronouns
Just like me, most will never comprehend
But maybe this way all the hurt and all the pain can be avoided
Because love is love
And so if you don't like it, then that's your problem
But if we want to change the world we don’t need to change ourselves
And you can’t start the change unless you dare to be different
So you don’t have to be ashamed
You were born a miracle, the day you were made
And it’s a free world after all
You can call yourself whatever you want to be called
Private reasons, stand up proud even with your back against the wall
Let's just respect each other
Big or small, short or tall
Remember peace on earth, good will to everyone
Is the greatest gift of all!!


© Nicole 🍒 JoMoRo