

Atleast Let It...
"Atleast Let it Flow"; Said the Eyes.
"Never not!" ; Seconded the Heart.
"Prestige will be shattered, The Mask
will Fall off"; Warned the Brain.
Stagnant tears were Jammed and Drained.

"Atleast Let it Speakout"; Mumbled the Tongue.
"Go Fot Itt!" ; Begged the Heart.
"Efforts will endup in Pain, Misconceive
will Attain its Peak"; Alerted the Brain.
Unspoken words Chocked the Breathe in Vain.

"Atleast Let it Scream"; Whispered the Voice.
"For God's sake!" ; Adjured the Heart.
"Aren't You Sane? Better shut it Up!" ;
Interrogated the Brain.
Constrained Wish was Dragged to Depth of Strain.

"Atleast Let it Giveup Then"; Insisted the Soul.
"Oh please!" ; Criedout the Heart.
"Let Everything Burstout, Permission granted,
Provided, it wont mess things up";
Demanded the Brain.

That's How Another Paradoxical Poem was
Forced into The World's Latent List.
As, That's The only way To Let it Free,
Nothing, but, The Caged Emotios.

#D_Pearl #relief #Request