

Love's Lessons Unveiled
In love's enchanting grip, we often sway,
A force that guides us, makes us go astray.
It leads us down paths we never thought we'd tread,
Outside our character, where heart and reason are misread.

But heed this truth, my dear, with utmost care,
Enduring pain and toxicity won't take you there.
For love's not a bargain, a transaction or trade,
It's a bond built on trust, where truest affections are laid.

Believe me, pouring love, loyalty on repeat,
Won't guarantee the rewards you yearn to meet.
A ring on your finger, a man by your side,
These hopes may falter, like a fleeting tide.

So cease from loving those who can't reciprocate,
Turn your gaze inward, where self-love awaits.
For their love may never arrive at your door,
But within yourself, you'll find what you've been looking for.

Embrace your worth, let self-love take flight,
Discover your strength, your radiant light.
For when you love yourself, as you rightly should,
The world will mirror back, a love that's true and good.

Don't be disheartened, my dear, by love's disguise,
It's a journey of lessons, where wisdom oft lies.
Learn to cherish yourself, with every beat of your heart,
And the love you deserve will find its perfect start.
© Peta-Gay Powell