

The Hustler's Anthem
Ignore those who always belittle and trivialize.
As long as grass still grows and birds still flies,
The ridicule of others is nothing but words.
So, pace yourself, take your time, and lie low.
The fruits of your labour will eventually show.
So I build myself up and let my fire grow
And coax my creativity to take flight
I promise myself as I work hard day and night

I will take the fight to those people
Those who have always underestimated me
I will showcase my might and let them see
These days of struggle, pain, tears, and fears
Will help me become whoever I want to be
I will sacrifice everything I hold dear
In the hopes that one day my hard work and success,
Will shut up those two-faced bastards and liars
So I will ignore those who always belittle and trivialize.
Because it's the successful people that they truly despise.

© HatedShadow91