

Stone- cold selfish and greedy wherever it goes!!!
Sucks the joy out of everything.
Leaves everyone's heart's filled with regrets,sorrows and misery
That even its treachery would be anticipated.
Unfulfilled desires, broken dreams and vengeful voices whispering in the hallways;
Which are always pointing out the flaws,
And inviting pessimism to penetrate the soul with its claws.
Hopes getting crushed under the burden of life;
Envy,hatred and strife has now become the new norms of the society.
Young minds have been gripped with anxiety.
Robbed of trust, belief and hope.
Dark clouds of pain and sorrow loomed over their heads;
That sometimes it made difficult to even get out of bed.
Dealing with rejections and dejections seems like the only solution to avoid seclusion.
Being numb to pain and constantly working on yourself is what failure teaches.
Self-acceptance and perseverance is the failure's only breach.
So put your chin up and complete this siege
And make a legacy which is made out of taking these risks!!

© InfinityandBeyond