

As Dawn unfolds

As the sun sets on the canvas of the past,
Embrace the new dawn, it's here at last.
In the tapestry of time, a blank page appears,
A chance for hope to conquer fears.

Let courage be your guiding light,
In the symphony of dreams, take flight.
With every sunrise, a promise anew,
The year ahead, a canvas for you.

Embrace the challenges, let them be,
Stepping stones to what you can be.
With every hurdle, strength you'll find,
A resilient spirit, beautifully aligned.

Seize the moments, both big and small,
Let gratitude be your constant call.
In the journey ahead, lessons unfold,
A story of resilience, beautifully told.

Embrace the unknown, let possibilities soar,
In the New Year's embrace, dreams restore.
May joy be your companion, laughter your song,
As the year unfolds, may you grow strong.

So here's to the future, a canvas unrolled,
A tale of courage, waiting to be told.
In the chapters ahead, write with grace,
For a beautiful journey, in this new embrace.
© Alpha Virtuous V