

O! the echoes of an aching heart;
Up up I flew until I came crashing down

Broken by would-be pals,
Now in pains they all laugh

Marooned and broken;
Into my depths only to open

Many are the transients of life
As it sways up then comes joy
As it sways down then comes strife

The feeling of being baked in a foil;
Screaming out not saying much

Shrouded in mysteries, hence I stand strong;
Into the depths of my soul to break free from ping pong

O! how homely it feels to connect with the roots,
As I radically spring out into the blazing day
To speak the truth of golden rays

That rests within the shadow place
Seek and you shall attain bliss

You must mark out working days
To learn how to sing God's praise

By engaging the world within
So you can seamlessly live the without
© Lürd_Päììn

#lifestyle #lifelesson #Life&Life #lifetakestwistsandturns #healing #Heal