

Intense Impact
I black out the nightmare consuming
the flame within the sword piercing
the soul of the darkest hour oozing
venom from the heart of toxicitity
Slurped up by the twisted humor
censored by the spirits of those
scared to manifest the face of
truth begging for a response from
fractured sanity leaking the dragons
flame from the cells of a panicking
mind deteriorating every thought of
of purity within humanity

I walk the trenches of the asylum
in search of an answer for the chaotic
displeasure smelling the fumes of
burnt faith feeling discomfort wash
over me as the paint begins to peel
from the walls exposing the echos
of corruption

I feel the atmosphere begin to
suffocate me as I approach a
room of padding soaked in grief
screaming to be cleansed while
tears of sorrow escape the creases
flooding me with an overwhelming
sensation of anxiety and regret

I feel myself being forcefully sucked
into the padding free falling watching
the canvas below me shift from a
stormy night in the woods with red
eyes peering from a distance
illuminating the pools of blood
covering the ground to a sunny
light blue sky filled with the melody
of birds and the beautiful creatures
inhabiting the woods as i plummet
onto a soft bed of leaves feeling the
sweet aroma of maple consume me
following as the beautiful creatures
lead me into the light in the distance
resurrecting the passion in my soul

© 2023