

Echoes in stillness
I hang in shadows, bound and still,
No pulse to follow, no will to fill.
My hands, they ache to trace the air,
Yet freeze, suspended, unaware.

I once had purpose, clear and true,
To walk each moment, step with you.
Now I just watch the fading light,
A quiet witness to your flight.

You pass me by, without a glance,
Not knowing I once held the dance.
Yet in my silence, I find calm,
A lull, a breath, a tender balm.

No past to grieve, no future’s claim,
Just endless now, without a name.
I do not age, nor break, nor cry,
While life rushes past, asking why.

But though I cannot beat or chime,
I’ve made my peace with frozen time.
For in this pause, I’ve come to find,
That time, like me, is trapped in mind.

© abhi