

(Hopelessly) Romantic Scenes // Sarajevo Love
I see you, o city of Sarajevo
I wish my love take me to you someday
Can I find love in your old-fashioned place?
How come you're so silent but buzzin
what I once hoped for?
Fly me from East to another part of
Southeastern world!
Longin' for a destined warmest visit,
I've come to adore you as my commonplace
To me, if being outdated makes you less,
then let me think more of you the most
Here out of ordinary, makin' sufficient space
for both the ideation and reality where
growing pains couldn't stop love from
growin' in and radiatin' out of you

PS. a partial excerpt of my own
© Lensed° NP
📷: Tomislav Peternek