

let him or her enjoy it 'like never before
it may happen mo life in you missed your blessings like a anonymoust that dial wrong numbers for competition, island treasure or tropical treasure your miss call that say ' enjoy it while is last 'you have won the contests and questioners of da quarantine' so we gone ask you simple questions not like inteview questions that need your introduction of what gwana with your boring history of da pastor bhoro who has screwdriver of true or fact deep down proof of da kingdoms that you are bored to watch or listen to have your time _for it 'because it speak about miss call blessing 'what you want its phakathi inside 'your problem has your answers 'your enemies they know your blessings that why they're ambushed you like a cold war 2 ,world war3 between your fouvarite and your biggest weathy powerful country ' sometimes your blessings came like a thief ,side chick or slay queen 'sometimes your blessings come like a pictures of da Instagram sometimes poeple may not subrite you 'they myths hate it like theyre allergic with your post,tag,marketing strategy,sometimes with your poem's ,dances videos,motivated,coaching staff like that 'but at the end of that towels,Rolf,roughly,pain etrc... in between your silver ,gold spoons of da blessings is shining like a stars of da top billing kind of style baby ' they say life is too shorty to hold some grudges,hates,negativity ' they say let him enjoy it like never before ' because they're gone ask you simple' you have had your blessings what did you do with it 'did you enjoyed it while is last ' sometimes i ask those questions what did i do have this chance 'what are they're going to do if something that i have love ,gifted,blessed with they look at it like is a crime to succeed,sometimes they'll hate crime,poverty,struggling but they are plaining,portraying you the bad pic which you didnt prepared for it i guess theyre allergic with my story being somebody's not nobody or nothing 'sometimes i twists things like a drink o pop to juice because i know i have to enjoyed it while its last ' sometimes they put me like a zeroes but guess what i am a hero not horrors even those zeroes a zembra can chases away zonke zone zobies in the zoo's like never before '