

"A Tear-Stained Land: falastine
In the land of Palestine, where sorrow dwells,
A tale of injustice and heart-wrenching spells.
With tears streaming down, I'll paint a lament,
Of lives lost and dreams shattered, a painful testament.

Amidst the olive trees and ancient walls,
Falastine’s voice echoes, as injustice befalls.
Tales of pain and anguish, we cannot ignore,
Of lives torn apart, like fragile hearts on the floor.

Innocent souls, caught in the crossfire's wrath,
A playground of despair where justice takes a bath.
Children hushed, their laughter silenced by fear,
Their dreams crushed, as oppression draws near.

Mothers weep, holding onto their fading hope,
Their sons and daughters, robbed of a future to cope.
Grief fills the air, like a heavy fog that consumes,
For every life lost, a hundred more tombs.

Oh, Falastine! Your cries resound in the sky,
As your children's blood paints a sorrowful dye.
Tortured and oppressed, deemed lesser in the eyes,
Yet your spirit soars high, refusing to compromise.

But amidst this darkness, a flicker of light,
The world stands witness, to the unjust plight.
Voices intertwine, rising in a unified plea,
Injustice shall not prevail, the world shall see.

Though the road may be long, the struggle tough,
Together, we'll rewrite the story, strong and enough.
With every poem, every brushstroke we share,
We shed light on the truth, showing we care.

So let us unite, in solidarity and might,
For the people of Falastine, their cause is our fight.
May justice prevail, as we stand hand in hand,
Spreading love and healing, throughout this land.

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@syed musaib