

Dear you,
Dear me, to dear you,
my heart sings out our truth

have they not seen, do you not know?
that the sun sets for us all here below,
just the same,
for me, as for dear you.

Maybe the wind will whisper
what my mind sees, and my spirit sighs for, utterly complete, and pure,
in my love for you, yes even you, tho you know me not, it is true.
for I have felt your pain
and as well have had my own simply the same, some moments less, than other moments which carried more, and my hand hopes to hold yours, in due course, and to lift you up, in order only to comfort, to see, and to know, of course.
that you see yourself seen, there, alone, and yet while it is still not known,never fully truly alone.
and what's more..
I yearn to teach still others, about the wonders of this world, and how we are all better than we act, before we were to conform.
and even then, better than this, on the inside.
love covers a multitude of nasty scars we'd rather hide, and inside the mess each person comes in with, immersed with, and within, lies the spirit of the ego, that old drive, just as too,the soul of our kind, does remain safe, tucked deep down inside. and tho we travel along, day in and out.. each life bright with it's hidden insight, shining a vibration we see not, finding our way in the night while we grope not for a light. we are all only seeking the path that leads away from our past, and the pain that renders us torn, and remembersThe rapid, open, and transparent sharing energy when hurting another person is an act carried out, those souls aren't spared the very same tenfold and no one cares for the fate, of which the boring sorry sort ,those minds so infected with such shit, I'm informed, know they will suffer that which they've dealt out upon man and manifest plane,worse and more.
Shifting through our days in this,our time, see how, with the very wind, can soul and spirit travel, down down down the dusty manifest paths, we'd just as soon leave behind, and vanquish not the feilds that roll out before you, no,if you just know you should look, past the roads in between that wind, and breath, and sigh for you, that carry deep thinkers of our time, and through the dark valleys, winding rivers round the stretches of land, reaching the further street corner markets, and in and thru city blocks, down the dead end allies, life breathes for us,(and indeed does, the wind whisper Mary, yes, indeed, it does,) for you, them, you all, y'all, dem, dey, all, those,who, carry a love of books, carry a tune, and a song in their head and heart, music, dreams, fun, sex, food, drink, life. but for them that confuse and cause the love lorn to be lost. those sticky muddy sorts of a narcissistic mind, they will become nothing, in time, tossed. and will likely be owned by the deeds of their own making, in exchange for fair trade of true love that likely was given? in exchange for self serving lies. it remains the same, time. all we are, mankind, and all we will be, BEGS you to be kind,too. be kind, to one another, and bear each other's burdens with love. please be aware, that is, to know, simply, to be kind. it's a simple way, and more important that most will see fit to know. their fate far more the worse, than can be told. and while I fear I run risk,I do run, upright, to hold up my part in this, I race for the great divide, the masses, into the grand unknown, for fear of
my inability to gather even the faintest glimmer, seems like only too much failure to endure. May I be a fool and a complete buffoon if only to pass on any bits of much needed importance, or the knowledge of these facts. while these inherent truths remain a mystery to even those considered intellectualy to be held up without spoiled reproof, a refrain to continue, for me, my fellow man, if I am to contain a speck of intellect, tiny, minute, but even I know not the epic proportions of which I now speak. I only gather love to send, to reflect, to insert into you, for you are decent, lovely, wonderful, beautiful, joyous you. and
to tell you a love story, is to show your soul a snapshot of my own, from dear me, to dear you. pass it on, love.