

Living happily
With the crazy wind,
The happy vibes are all around,
The smiley emoji and my face has twinned,
Today the birds chirping has next level of sound,
Happily my feets are dancing and jumping,
Merrily my larynx is singing,
The pen is gliding on the paper joyfully,
The silly me has so many flowers around me of lily,
The cute white clouds are moving happily, slowly-slowly,
My heart beats became loud,
As you brought a sunflower for me, magically.
-Sanvi Gurpude

© Sanvi Gurpude

@Sans_191 @krishna.sash @SukiAM @Dolly12 @Ashly._. @Iam._. @sharmaNistha @Cosmo131 @wordsunlimited @ROHIT_SHARMA_JOKER