

The Devil's Game
Roulette's the devil's game;
add all the numbers together
and it comes out to 666.

Rolled three 6s in a row today;
there's a 0.0693% chance
of rolling the same number 3 times in a row
there are 38 numbers I could roll
0.0693 ÷ 38 = 0.002%
About 1 in 50,000.

So it'd take me around 150,000 spins to do it again
if it takes about 90 seconds per spin,
then it'll be 37,500 hours until that happens again.
1562.5 days, or 4.3 years
just spent dealing roulette.

Given that around 25%
of my time is spent at work,
it would theoretically take me
17.2 years to deal 4.3 years of roulette
assuming I was put on roulette every day
and my table was never empty.

So the fact that I rolled three 6s in a row
is ridiculous in the first place.
But then what are the chances
that the dealer rolling those numbers
is a trouble-making athiest
with 6 sacrilegious tattoos?

I don't believe in anything
but luck and logic.
Things happen because
the chips fell that way
completely on accident.

I don't gamble
because I don't like long odds.
The only control we have over our lives
is informed decision-making.
Placing your bets with some amount
of common sense and logic behind them.

"Is it a sign?"
The guy at my table asked me.
I smiled, believing that nothing is a sign.
The meaninglessness of that freak occurrence
meant something to me.

I love it when those expectations are defied;
when the mathmatically impossible happens,
it makes me smile.
There's nothing I could've done
to prepare or plan;
I'm struck by a bolt of lightning
and energized, brought to life
by life's own ridiculousness.
© Little Devil