

Endless ends
Endless highways of misdirected means,
To walk along the lonely street of dreams,
To live in a world where nothing is as it seems,
And take pursuit of pleasure to the extremes..
Go big or go home,
reach for the sky,
while looking through the clouds.
touch the stars -
while watching the universe.
Don't let people change who u truly are,
n never forget that in someone's darkened night you provide the beautifulist source of light.
Don't ever jus give in or let go.
cause huny, sometimes you just never know- not till u live jus a Lil more
And maybe still not even then,
who knows
make sure what you represent is what you really want to show.
you are what u are..
stay true to being 100
and that'll be the best show to put on.
honesty can get uany places
but loyalty will get you farther
ultimately with respect. honesty. loyalty, an trust you can conquer any challenge or obstacles put in your face.....
© A Heart From Burque