

2024 dawns
Another year passes us by
As December days fade into night
The calendar flips with a satisfying sound
Welcoming a fresh year soon to be found

We've survived the holiday bustle and cheer
The festive indulgences, both food and brew
As the guests depart and gifts put away
It's time to pause and the past survey

What goals were attained, wishes that came true?
Which plans fell flat or fell through?
Lessons were learned though the road wasn't straight
Mistakes were made but no regrets to be had

Now a blank slate waits with potential aplenty
The future still unwritten and shining so bright
As I gaze at the empty pages before me
I ponder which story I'll tell with each flight

What will this year have in store?
Adventure? Romance? Life lessons and more?
No use wondering endlessly what may be
For all good things, time will reveal to see

So I'll lift my gaze to the horizon's bright line
Let go what's behind and before me unwind
Each day a new gift, each step a fresh start
This year I walk forward, living with heart

Wishing you cheer and good fortune galore
As we embark on what's next, this and so much more
May joy, health and happiness find you each day
In this new year now dawning, now hear me say

Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night!
Here's to making the most of each shining new light.

© Abhijit: A hardworking writer