

This Stupid Thing
So I do this stupid thing right
Where I start getting to know someone
And then within a few weeks or months
I fall in love with them
We spend time together, kiss each other
And I start getting comfortable
And then he starts getting comfortable
Or at least so he makes me believe
I smile when I see him
We laugh with and at each other
Then before you know it
As quickly as it begun it dies.
He has a million excuses/reasons why we can't spend time together
I start feeling insecure
Wondering what I did wrong.
Maybe I fell for him too quickly?
Maybe I fell to hard ?
Maybe I was too naive?
Whatever it is
I'm left with this empty hole in my stomach.
I hate myself
Fight back tears
Bite my tongue
And continue to smile hoping that no one would guess that I feel like a fool
For trusting another one after I promised myself I wouldn't ever again.
So yea, there's this stupid thing I do;
I keep falling in love over and over again
Even though it never really works.

-Chrys White
© Chrys White