

Two lines on the stick,
Am dead,ot should I be happy?
Am torn,yeah am shattered,
Broken into small pieces,I am these fragments.

Was this a punishment?
For not waiting until marriage?
What about school?
I should have listened,
I have always been obedient.

What should I do?
He said it will be ok,
He lied!Oh God!
Won't they talk about me?
People will laugh at me.

Father will chop me into small pieces,
He will sure break every born in me,
Poor Mamma will cry her eyes out,
What will her friends say?
What about her church members?

How she has failed to teach her daughter manners!
She doesn't know how to raise children!
They will say and snicker their noses,
Thuu!!They will spit when she passes.

Oh poor me.
Do I carry it?
Do I terminate it?
I am torn apart,
Alone I cry for the one responsible for this is away,

How could you be stupid?
Don't you know how girls ate suppose to do it?
I am leaving for the army in three days time,
It's all up to you now!
He goes away,with so much hate.