

Something formed within from the time of birth collected from our parents or other influences along the way of good or bad which later tells stories of how we perceive ourselves based on treatment from our surroundings wandering why were treated this way or that yet times merges on and life's trials and tribulations often take us by the hand leading us astray towards quick sands illusion dreaming of being anyone other than who we truly are but do we really know ourselves for we've taken on so many others characteristics hiding behind a facade of many masks confusing ourselves and losing sight of the little child born from above then self realization begins taking course as we slowly begin loving ourselves a little at a time focusing on the hard work at hand satisfying soul as the mask begins shedding skins one by one allowing you to try new encounters as expressions of joy fill beautiful face coming to know the real self as the word no feels uncomfortable still grateful the words that we're usually unspoken finally formed as boundaries begin being put in place venturing off in society with head held high shredding the negative thoughts you once had of yourself replacing them with positive affirmations quickly realizing you're not as bad as what you once thought yourself to be as changes take course learning who you are when it's all said and done.
© Brandi N. Willard