

Below the Veil
In life's grand play, a tale we weave,
Two acts unfold, with hearts aggrieved.
First part, the real, where dreams take flight,
We dance in shadows, and bask in light.

But hark! In shadows, deeds are sown,
Seeds of regret, in silence groan.
For part the second, stage set bare,
Confront the past, in dark despair.

We journey forth, through guilt and pain,
Seeking solace, but all in vain.
Each step we take, a heavy toll,
As memories haunt, and shadows roll.

The echoes of our past mistakes,
Resound in echoes, hearts forsake.
Yet bravely on, we forge ahead,
In hopes that redemption lies ahead.

For in the first part, we find our truth,
Unveiling scars of fleeting youth.
The second part, a solemn quest,
To mend our past wounds, and find our best.

So let us face the trials untold,
Embrace the journey, brave and bold.
For in the end, we may yet find,
The real us, our souls refined.