

Have you ever marveled at an ancient oak?
Awed at a beautiful beech
Gazed up in wonder at a towering pine
Stand in awe, looking at a tree, while extolling the splendor of it's kalopsia
I see these, so i guess I'm a nemophilist and a dendrophile
But you don't have to be a dendrophile to get this
Because they are very crucial to our ecosystem
So why would you cut down trees
When you're not even the one that planted them
But you don't know
You don't know that by adding a single tree to an open pasture can increase birds biodiversity from zero to as high as eighty species
You don't know trees are home to wildlife
You don't know the organic matter they give our soil with their decomposing leaves
Trees are sacred and trees are life
So if you cut down one, at least plant one or two in return
For they provide shade
Not only do they provide shade in the summer, but serve as a windbreak in the winter too
Trees can help cool your home by as much as 20 degrees in the summer too
The forest absorbs 30% of all carbon dioxide emissions
A mature tree absorbs more than 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year
Storing it and releasing the oxygen back into the air
When we breathe in phytoncides released by trees, it reduces blood pressure, lowers anxiety level and increases pain threshold
By a tree's ring, you can know it's age and you can predict climate change
Trees are the longest living organisms on earth and never die of old age
So I guess, it dies if we choose to kill it
A tree adds beauty to nature, with green and the marvellous sight of the rainbow eucalyptus
The sound of the wind wading with the leaves reduces tension
And gives an atmosphere for meditation
A trees leaves, twigs and branches absorb and deflect sound waves to mask unwanted noise, sound attenuation
Trees collect rainwater, filter it and release it into streams and rivers, helping man with filtration
Playing it's own part in reducing pollution
So call me a nemophilist and call me a dendrophile
Still and all, these trees are keeping our ecosystem alive

© Ibrahim Zakama