

O Young Man
O young man, behold the fleeting days,
When vibrant youth sets your soul ablaze.
For in the light of your fervent prime,
Seize the moments, while they're in their prime.

Rejoice, O youth, in your strength and might,
Embrace the dawn, with hope shining bright.
But remember, my dear, as time unfurls,
Life's wheel turns swiftly, with its twists and twirls.

Cast your cares upon the flowing stream,
Let worries go, like a far-off dream.
For worry won't add a single hour,
To the tapestry of your life's grand tour.

Seek joy and laughter, let your heart be light,
Banish the shadows that haunt the night.
But let wisdom guide your every step,
As you navigate life's winding prep.

Be not ensnared by the snares of vice,
Stay true to values, both sound and wise.
With righteous paths as your trusted guide,
Build a legacy that will forever abide.

Yet know, dear youth, that life's not all gain,
There will be hardships, times of pain.
But through trials faced with a steadfast will,
Strength will arise, and your spirit fulfill.

So, O young man, seize the glorious day,
Carpe diem, in each step you display.
For in youth's vigor, there lies a gift,
To make a difference, hearts to uplift.

Let love be the compass, your guiding star,
Reach out to others, wherever they are.
In acts of kindness, find your truest worth,
And leave footprints of love upon this earth.

O young man, grasp the moments that fly,
For time's swift river won't wait nor comply.
With open arms, embrace life's bittersweet,
With passion, purpose, and dreams complete.

For youth's fleeting days shall not return,
So make them count, let your spirit burn.
And as you journey through life's vast span,
May you find joy in the steps you began.
© Christopher Obeng-Manu (Christborn)