

Here I Lay

Stale stench of inferno tickles the nose
The angry stares of sun beats us mercilessly
The thorns lynched us
Where the sun is the lenient arsonist
Where our sufferings matches the heartbeat of our heart
Only the cold breeze seems a friend to lean on
Where the trepidation of the uncertainty becloud the future
Here we lay by the roadside of juicy Gill
Where our golden pen couldn't..
Couldn't wouldn't stop dancing on Earth's slate
Here I Lay
Where we harness to chase this taunted soul away
The shawl of ignorance draped us in its fragrance
The sling of fear tied us to our fate
Where we whiffed in the aroma of gloom
Where the mind jingle to fight jungle pessimism
The imperious gesture of the past gives us a chill spine of the future
Where we wish the soothing fragrance of mother Earth sedates us
And whisked away this impending doom
But scared we will be tagged cowards
Where we spill blood of happiness in faith
We put on melancholic countenance under the passionate moon
Where we be fearless under the Jeering sun
Where nightmares heightened these thoughts
And dreams elude us
Where we knew not when our pen would stop dancing to melancholic tune
Where we renewed our faith because we detest our fate
The drink of joy spill by each steps we take
Where the dry trees gives us alms in ridicule
We knew not where we are being driven to
Where at last sleep elude us
Where is this?but Here I Lay