

There comes a time in a maiden's life.
When life comes to quench the desires of the heart.
To dance to the melodies of her heart,
The beats in her soul
And to eat fruitful days of her youth...

There comes a time when one falls in love.
You wish to be loved as much as you are willing to..
You grow to live in fantasized world where all things seem so rossy to have and to hold.
Where you see yourself as a living Gold...
That is to be treasured by the King..

There comes a time when one halt to know that all Kings has plates
Their hearts cannot be fed by the hand not meant to mend the hunger in them..
Seeing yourself as a maiden who occupied the King's heart
Does not make you a Queen,
But a maiden that feeds the King in the absence of the King....

@Kwenadi ThoThobejane
Collection of Life poems..