

How rich are you in Heaven?
Of course your wealth in Heaven isn't earned the same way like on Earth.
See on earth we earn our profits by working,
but in Heaven you earn your wealth by your character.

The things of these earth will perish
all your money, cars, materials and much more will all be left behind.
The Egyptians tried it, but all they got was stolen loot.
The only thing you will take after you die is your soul,
so as LORD JESUS said," For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

LORD Jesus is our only way to Heaven
our one and only way to salvation.
So now that you have been saved, what materials are you giving LORD Jesus to build your house in Heaven.
Are you giving Him sticks and hay, by your lies and pride
or are you giving Him bars of gold, by your kindness and faithfulness.
In conclusion, how rich are you in Heaven?
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