The elusive dream, a fleeting thought
Dances before me, yet never caught
The more I chase, the more it strays
A will-o'-the-wisp, in endless ways
But when I cease to pursue and strive
It turns to me, with a gentle jive
And whispers soft, in my willing ear
"I am yours, my dear, I've been here"
The universe, in its mystic sway
Reveals its secrets, come what may...
Dances before me, yet never caught
The more I chase, the more it strays
A will-o'-the-wisp, in endless ways
But when I cease to pursue and strive
It turns to me, with a gentle jive
And whispers soft, in my willing ear
"I am yours, my dear, I've been here"
The universe, in its mystic sway
Reveals its secrets, come what may...