

true confessions
Are sometimes overlooked
Sometimes ignored
It's a little heartbreaking
Spending hours, even days building ur courage
Taking the time to find the perfect way to confess
Time to make the confession romantic
Putting your heart out there for the taking
Showing all your feelings and emotions
Only to be ignored or dismissed
True confessions are hard to find
Some people nowadays use fake confessions
Luring an unsuspecting victim into their trap
Just for fun, for a bet, for their own selfish reasons
Not thinking of the pain it would cause
Fake confessions aren't funny
Just like true confessions aren't funny either
Messing with someone's heart isn't cool
It's hard to confess when you've been hurt
When you've been taken as a joke
Your feelings laughed at
It's agonizing how much it happens
Leaving those who dared to confess
Dared to take a chance on love
To suffer heartaches, suffer the backlash
Those are the bad cases, the ones that suffer silently
Till the right person comes along
The one that's not like the others
They listen to your feelings
Understand the courage it took
The extent to put it together
There are people like this
And while true confessions aren't given a chance sometimes
It helps make you into a better you
© orchi1987