

You have to wait !

What thoughts colour yours today?
What goals will you achieve someday?
You spend your time dreaming of glory,
While your life waits aside for its own story,
Your patience levels needs to be uplifted,
All that exists is only the notion, that your life is gifted,
Let's see the kind of story, which comes in,
which, might indeed eradicate your sin,
with something as tiny as a pin,
All I can say is, there are lots, which you may unlearn,
Let's keep on waiting, till it's our turn,
In the meanwhile, do keep yourself away from hostility,
At the same time, the only thing to rise would be humility,
Finally, life indeed shared its own story,
And guess what, it drove me to glory,
Once perceived, that they were both different,
As per those skeptical thoughts in that moment,
Eventually, got those soulful answers,
It felt like a focal point missed by those snipers,
But, that was actually not the case,
Initially, I found it difficult to trace,
Gradually, it seemed very authentic,
Yes, certainly it was not ballistic,
The wait was finally over,
Because, life alone can never hover,
However, your thought process might,
Which might be responsible for your plight,
Your thoughts, goals and dreams are invincible,
It all depends on, how you make it inevitable,
So let's work hand in hand,
To get that deserving wand,
Which might not be magical ,
However, can indeed be phenomenal!

© Shirsendu Mukherjee!
© shish